Monday 23 August 2010

Demise of an ancient trade

‘Will there be any Portsea waterman left in two year’s time? It would be unsafe to prophesy, but the figures given at the meeting of the Ferry Commissioners on Tuesday at Gosport show unmistakeably how great a change has taken place in the methods of locomotion to the ships and across the harbour. There used to be 1,100 licenses; now there are only 75, and these have a difficulty in making both ends meet.’ It appears however, that the watermen did not help themselves. The article continues: ‘While the public has a good deal of sympathy with the survivors of a moribund calling, it must be admitted that the men are given considerable latitude in being permitted to importune excursionists who visit the Hard.’ The trade of waterman, once so essential and flourishing, soon was gone completely. Extracts taken from the Portsmouth Times, 9 June 1910.

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