Friday 10 September 2010

How To Flatter A Little Man

In 1947 the Sunday Graphic gave the following advice to its female Portsmouth readership. When faced with a husband who is smaller than his wife, she should: ‘aim to keep points of interest low; it is a good idea to make the hands all important. If they are beautifully kept and flattered with the best jewellery you can afford they can do a lot to help. No piled up hair, no steeple hats, outstanding ear-rings or flowing veils with brilliant blobs.’ He should: ‘be dressed importantly. A bold tie, a substantial jacket and an overcoat with well-built shoulders. Stout shoes wherever possible… They should always be in good repair, especially the heels… Have him wear a hat if he will.’ The same paper lamented the rise in divorce (‘You don’t need me to tell you that the collapse of home life must mean in the end the collapse of the nation.’), argued against the use of gin traps, discussed the level of child cruelty, offered a short story by Enid Blyton, advertised Ginger Rogers and David Niven in Magnificent Doll and explained how Portsmouth was governed. Portsmouth City Records Office I/9

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