Monday, 24 May 2010

Echoes of an airport

Several road names recall the long lost Portsmouth Airport. Airport Service Road recalls its location, Norway Road remembers Neville Shute Norway, a founder of Airspeed Limited which manufactured aircraft from this site, and Dundas Road commemorates R K Dundas Ltd, agents for Airspeed in India.


  1. I love this blog, and I've circulated it to everyone I know in Portsmouth. Do you have any interesting facts on the old canal from Portsmouth to Littlehampton? That would make interesting reading.

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely comment.

    I was thinking about some future posts re the canal - it cost loads of money, was very quickly was overtaken by the coming of the railway (the main line coming into Portsmouth lies on the canal bed through central Portsmouth), and the salt water it contained contaminated the local drinking water supply - not a resounding success.
    I'll be posting more about it soon!
